Fridays of Lent

In the Ambrosian liturgy, Fridays of Lent are ‘haliturgical days’, on which the Eucharist is not celebrated
– 7am Way of the Cross
– 8am Morning Lauds and Middle Hour
– 11am Liturgy of the Word
– 12.45pm Way of the Cross
– 4.30pm Exposition of the Relic of the Holy Cross for personal adoration
– 5.30pm Vespers, Lenten Catechesis and Blessing with the Relic of the Holy Cross

In the peculiar liturgical tradition of the Church of Milan, the Fridays of the Time of Lent – by analogy with Good Friday – are haliturgical days, on which the Eucharist is not celebrated and Communion is not distributed. This particularity, which brings the Ambrosian liturgy closer to those of the East, is a sign of a more intimate participation in the Mystery of the Lord’s Passion and a more intense expectation of the Sunday Eucharist.
Alongside the communal celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours and prolonged listening to the Word of God, adoration of the Relic of the Holy Cross and the pious exercise of the Via Crucis are also proposed.
You can follow the celebration of Vespers with the Lenten Catechesis (5.30pm) in streaming on this Site ( from the YouTube channel Duomo Milano TV.