Press and Permits

Press and Permits

Press and Permits

Journalists who intend to visit the Monumental Complex of the Milan Duomo or a part of it (inside the Cathedral, Archaeological Area, Terraces on foot or by lift, Duomo Museum, Church of San Gottardo in Corte) to review it or write a relevant piece (it is mandatory to specify the publication), can access it free of charge, upon request to the Press and Institutional Communication Office of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo at the addresses indicated below.

For journalists who simply wish to visit the Monumental Complex of the Milan Duomo there is the possibility of purchasing a reduced ticketupon request to the Press Office and Institutional Communication of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo at the addresses listed below.

A prerequisite for obtaining accreditation is to make this request at least 72 hours in advance (working days) before the day scheduled for the visit.

Subsequently, the Press and Institutional Communication Office will provide the necessary instructions for accreditation.

Both types of accreditation are only possible by submitting a reproduction of the Italian Order of Journalists’ card with the current year’s stamp or an equivalent Press Card for the foreign press.

Please note that the issuing of accreditation is only possible for journalists and cannot be extended to family members and accompanying persons.

The granting of accreditation does not imply authorisation to take professional video photographs inside the Monumental Complex of the Duomo of Milan, for which a special permit must be requested.
In any case, it is possible to request a photo book of standard images from the Press Office and Institutional Communication, freely available with photo credit “© Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano”.

Press Office and Institutional Communication
Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano
Via Carlo Maria Martini, 1 – 20122 Milan
(Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; 2:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.)
[email protected]

To receive press releases and keep in touch with the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, please write to [email protected] with the subject heading PRESS NEWS.

Video and photos of the Monumental compound of the Duomo of Milan.​

All individual visitors who enter the Monumental compound of the Duomo of Milan (Duomo, Archaeological Area, Terraces, Museum of the Duomo, Church of San Gottardo in Corte, Archives-Library of the Veneranda Fabbrica) and wish to take photographs for strictly personal use and not for publication, study, profit or any other use, may take photographs, except during celebrations in the cathedral.

Photography is defined as any type of photograph taken with any type of non-professional camera, film or digital cameras, including mobile phones, tablets and smartphones.

Taking photos and filming videos inside the Monumental compound of the Duomo of Milan for popularisation purposes.

If you wish to make a documentary or an educational programme or a write publication of a scientific or popularising kind, it is essential to obtain the permission of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo.

Applications must be submitted to the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano – Via Carlo Maria Martini, 1 – 20122 Milan; tel. +390272022656; fax+390272022419; e-mail: [email protected] – specifying the day, time and duration of the filming, the subjects you wish to photograph or film and the type of equipment you are going to use. It is also required that you submit a detailed project sheet to which any declarations of interest and/or membership of institutional entities must be attached.

The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano reserves the right to issue the authorisation for the filming.

A fee is due for photographs and videos, the amount of which must be agreed in the terms indicated by the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano when the request is submitted. Anybody taking photographs and/or filming videos, both for publication and for study and research purposes, is required to hand over a copy of each photograph taken and video filmed to the Photographic Archive of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano.

Taking photos and filming videos inside the Monumental compound of the Duomo of Milan for study purposes

To take photos and film videos for study purposes (degree theses, school and university projects) within the Complesso Monumentale del Duomo di Milano you must submit the application form for study reasons – to the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano – Via Carlo Maria Martini, 1 – 20122 Milano; tel. +390272022656/fax+390272022419; e-mail: [email protected] – specifying the day, time and duration of shooting, the subjects you wish to photograph or film and the type of equipment you are going to use. In addition, a detailed sheet outlining the research project must be submitted. Students are required to attach a letter of introduction signed by the teacher in charge, on headed paper of the school or university to which they belong.

The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano reserves the right to issue the authorisation for the filming.

Anyone who takes photographs or films videos, both for publication and for study and research purposes, is required to hand over a copy of each photograph or video to the Photographic Archive of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano.

Video and photo shooting inside the Monumental compound of the Duomo of Milan for promotional reasons.

To make a promotional film or photo shoot, you must submit the application form to the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano – Via Carlo Maria Martini, 1 – 20122 Milan; tel. +390272022656; fax+390272022419; e-mail: [email protected] – specifying the day, time and duration of shooting, the subjects you wish to photograph or film and the type of equipment you are going to use.

It is also required that you submit a detailed project sheet to which any declarations of interest and/or membership of institutional entities must be attached.

The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano reserves the right to issue the authorisation for the filming.

A fee is due for photographs and videos, the amount of which must be agreed in the terms indicated by the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano when the request is submitted. Anybody taking photographs and/or filming videos, both for publication and for study and research purposes, is required to hand over a copy of each image taken and video filmed to the Photographic Archive of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano.

General provisions

Requests will be processed within 10 working days by the Commission of the Veneranda Fabbrica in charge of authorising filming, starting from the day after the application is sent. In the month of August, filming is suspended.

The Commission’s opinion is binding.

Unless there are specific agreements with the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo the following is understood as prohibited:

– the presence of extras, testimonials, actors, models;

– interviews with public figures;

– filming on Saturdays, Sundays and during special opening hours of the Duomo or the Terraces;

– filming for weddings, christenings and other celebrations inside the Duomo or on the Terraces;

For the filming of the Archaeological Area it is essential to obtain the authorisation of the Office for Archaeological Heritage.

To request the use of archive images, please write to [email protected]

Press and Communications Office
Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano
Via Carlo Maria Martini, 1 – 20122 Milano
tel +39.02.72022656 – fax +39.02.72022419
[email protected]

Download HERE the Shooting Authorization Form