Every Saturday at 4.45 p.m. Direct streaming on Duomo Milano Tv
For all those who love the Duomo and the unmistakable timbre of its extraordinary Organ, the largest in Italy and among the first in the world, after the success of the last two editions, the successful event ‘Sonorità organistiche in Duomo’ returns to the Cathedral.
‘Sonorità Organistiche in Duomo’ is an initiative of the Veneranda Fabbrica dedicated to the worshippers and visitors that offers moments of listening to organ music lasting 30 minutes, every Saturday from December 7th, 2024 to July 26th, 2025 at 4:45 p.m., before the Vigil Eucharistic celebration (subject to variations depending on the liturgical activity).
Through the appointments of ‘Sonorità Organistiche in Duomo’, the public has the opportunity to listen to the Cathedral’s Great Organ, which is joined for the first time by the Duomo’s Choral Organ, recently positioned along the nave, whose clear and detailed listening favours the performance of literature from the Baroque and Classical periods.
The Great Organ makes it possible to appreciate romantic and modern literature in particular, with its majestic sonorities reverberating exceptionally in the grandiose acoustics of the Cathedral.
Both organs are controlled by the new Consolle, which during ‘Sonorità Organistiche’ events is positioned in direct visual contact with the public, in front of the presbytery.
The musical programme of ‘Sonorità Organistiche in Duomo’ undertakes for the 2024-2025 edition the performance for the first time in the Milan Duomo of the complete organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750), which will be completed in 2026: about 200 pieces.
In addition, 290 years after his birth, Johann Christian Bach (1735 – 1782), the eleventh son of Johann Sebastian and Organist of Milan Cathedral from 1760 to 1762, is also remembered, offering the listening of a selection of works for keyboard and appropriate to the organ.
One last anniversary characterises the 2024-2025 edition of ‘Sonorità Organistiche in Duomo’: the 100th anniversary of the death of Marco Enrico Bossi (1861 -1925), whose main organ works are performed; his brother, Costante Adolfo, was Organist of the Milan Duomo from 1907 to 1953.
‘Sonorità Organistiche in Duomo’ also offers the public organ pages from the romantic and modern repertoire, transcriptions and famous pages through which to appreciate the versatile sonorities of the Duomo’s Great Organ.
All performances are conducted by Alessandro La Ciacera, Organist of the Milan Duomo.
The programmes of the various monthly appointments of ‘Sonorità organistiche in Duomo’ are published on this page near the events.
For the occasion, the review is broadcast live streaming on the Duomo di Milano YouTube channel Duomo Milano Tv.
An opportunity to discover the complexity of this magnificent instrument, protagonist of a mighty restoration project carried out by the Veneranda Fabbrica, started in 2019 and still ongoing.
An intervention made possible thanks to the fundamental support of Intesa Sanpaolo as main sponsor, as well as the contribution of the Municipality of Milan for the Christmas Market in Piazza del Duomo, Fondazione Bracco and Zucchetti.
Sonorità organistiche in Duomo
Every Saturday, 4.45 p.m.
Alessandro La Ciacera
> Click here to view the complete 2024-2025 program
(Sonorità Organistiche are suspended on Saturday 1th and Saturday 22nd February 2025)
For information
Duomo Infopoint
Tel. +39 02 72 02 33 75