One hand on the heart and the other one reaching towards the sky, that is how this little angel presents himself to the eyes of whom, raising the gaze upwards, finds him on one of the four spires crowning the Madonna dell’Albero Chapel. Elia Buzzi, in the first half of the XVIII Century, sculpted him with a lily branch in the hand, symbol of purity linked to the figure of the Madonna, today not visible any more, but recorded by written words in the Annals, as an indelible sign of her presence. His unfolded wings remember us his nature of pure spirit: capable of rising up to God, the angels are His servants and messengers, gifted with intelligence and will. They are personal and immortal creatures, surpassing all visible beings in perfection. In the entire Bible the word “Angel” recurs 221 times, and 96 times the word “Angels”, sent by God to reveal His tangible presence in the world, as His intervention in human history. Also the Duomo has its angels, sculpted on its side, guiding and protecting it as the many people who, during six centuries, have healed its wounds, silent custodians of an eternal place and time.