The value of a gift, Get your Spire and AIDO. Veneranda Fabbrica and AIDO (the Italian Association for Donation of Organs, Tissues and Cells) – Gruppo Speciale Milano join forces in a shared fund-raising project. This young man standing on the north side of the Cathedral, looking towards Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, is perhaps one of the saints who went by this name. Amongst these, there was a young man from Auvergne, in central France, of whom Gregory of Tours wrote: “many times he has already healed weak hands, restored the use of limbs to paralytics and sight to the blind. Three lepers have recovered their health thanks to his anointments and now it is not rare for the sick to be healed by praying with faith on his tomb”. Together with Sorus and Amand, Cyprien offered his services to Savalone, abbot of Genouillac, during the reign of the Merovingian King Clotarius I (511-561). The three became hermits: Sorus (Sour) ended up amongst the Gauls in Terrasson, and his name from then came to mean “hermit”; Amand and Cyprien went to Dordogne, where they each founded a monastery. Some sources talk of him as an abbot and martyr, but it is not clear how he was attributed these titles. Other saints and martyrs with this name are linked to France. They include Cyprian and Savinus, born in Brescia, who were martyred in Antigny, near Vienne, on the River Gartempe. In the Romanesque crypt of the church of St-Savin-sur-Gartempe there are frescoes depicting their life. In France, in the years before Charlemagne’s reign and his unification of Christian Europe, there were many saints and martyrs, scattering crosses and monuments throughout its territory, as memorials to resistance and steadfast faith.