She was born in Corinaldo (Ancona) on October 16th, 1890. Daughter of the farmers Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini, she was the second of six children. The Goretti family soon moved to Agro Pontino. In 1900, following the death of her father, her mother was forced to work therefore leaving Mary to take care of their home and her siblings. At the age of eleven, Mary received her First Communion and made the promise to die before she ever committed sin. Alessandro Serenelli, an 18-year old boy, fell in love with Mary. On July 5th, 1902, he attacked and attempted to rape her. Refusing to submit to him, he stabbed her. Mary died soon after, following an operation. The next day, before breathing her last, she forgave Serenelli. Her murderer was sentenced to 30 years in prison. He repented and converted only after having dreamt of Mary, who told him he would have achieved Heaven. When he was released after 27 years, he asked Mary’s mother for forgiveness. Mary Goretti was proclaimed saint in 1950 by Pope Pius XII.
Symbol: Palm