Musical Chapel of the Milan Duomo

The Music Chapel of the Duomo, Palestrina’s “Offertori” for the Sundays of Easter time

Starting from Easter Sunday (31st March) and for all Sundays of Easter time, the Music Chapel of the Milan Duomo – the oldest Milanese cultural institution, active uninterruptedly since 1402 – will offer some musical treasures taken from the Ambrosian repertoire and from the most significant pages of Renaissance sacred polyphony, always in the sign of a pertinent approach to the liturgies of the Cathedral.


The Chapter liturgies of the Sundays of Easter time in the Duomo of Milan will be characterised by the chant of the Offertorio composed by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (Palestrina, circa 1525 – Rome, 1594), proposed in a new critical edition, based on the Venetian printing of 1594 by the typography of Angelo Gardano.


Click on this link to download the sources.


Every Sunday, moreover, the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo and the Metropolitan Chapter of Milan offer all the worshippers and visitors from abroad the possibility of downloading a liturgical subsidy in English onto their device, including the Sunday Readings and the Rite of the Mass, by means of special QR Codes located in various places in the Cathedral.


The aids in English, which can also be accessed through the link, are also accompanied by a second document including all musical parts, in order to facilitate greater accessibility and openness to those from all over the world who wish to experience the Duomo in the fullness of its cultural and faith dimension.

Inviting everyone to experience this dimension, we remind you that all festive Chapter celebrations are streamed live on the official Duomo di Milano YouTube channel Duomo Milano Tv.