Gabriel (Strength of God) is one of the spirits standing before God (Luke 1, 19), reveals the secrets of the plan of God to Daniel (Dan 8,16; 9, 21-22), announces the birth of John to Zechariah (Luke 1, 11-20), and the birth of God to Mary (Luke 1, 26-38). The new calendar reunited in an unique celebration the three Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, whose festivities were, respectively, the 29th September, the 24th March and the 24th October. The existence of these Angels is explicitly referenced in the Holy Bible, which assigns them a name and a role. St. Michael, the ancient Synagogue patron, is now patron of the Universal Church; St. Gabriel is the Angel of the Incarnation, and maybe of the Agony in the garden of Gethsemane; St. Raphael is the wanderers’ guide. St. Gabriel, “He who stands before God” (these are the words he used to introduce himself when he announced to Mary that she had been chosen as the mother of The Redeemer), is the par-excellence announcer of divine revelations. It is him, who explains to Daniel how the full restoration will happen, from the return from exile to the advent of the Messiah. To him the duty is assigned, to announce the birth of the precursor, John, son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. The highest mission a creature has ever been assigned is the announcement of the Incarnation of the Son of God. As a consequence, he is particularly worshiped also by Muslims. The name Gabriel (as well as “Gabrio” and “Gabriella”), of Assyrian origin, means “man of God”, “strength or stronghold”.
Patron Saint: Patron saint of: post offices, communication and diplomacy Symbol: Sword, Dragoon

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