Home Duomo di Milano Archi d’incanto: two special concerts with the Quartetto della Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo All the special openings of the duomo terraces for holidays and summer 2024 Bach’s Johannes – Passion in the Duomo Mors tua sit vita nostra, the Musical Chapel of the Duomo in concert at the Milan Auditorium Updates about access to the Historical Complex of the Duomo of Milan Duomo Music Chapel, selected pages by Palestrina and Cristóbal de Morales for Sundays in Lent Grazie a tutti i donatori! Renewed the Advisory Board of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo Restoration of the Scurolo di San Carlo in Milan Duomo The Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo integrates Alipay+ Duomo 4.0: new experiences of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality BusForFun è mobility partner della Cappella Musicale del Duomo di Milano Posts navigation Older postsNewer posts